Hyacinth Ali (Ph.D., Software Engineering)



Computer Engineering and Software Engineering
Room: M-4123
Polytechnique Montreal
2500, Polytechnique Road
Montreal (Quebec), H3T 1J4

About Me

Since July 2023, I have been working as a postdoctoral fellow at Polytechnique Montreal, where I lead a cloud-based collaborative research project between the SWAT Lab at polytechnique Montreal and BusPas Inc., under the supervision of Prof. Foutse Khomh. Additionally, I serve as a course instructor at Polytechnique Montréal, teaching Model-Driven Software Engineering to both undergraduate and graduate students. In this course, we collaborate with NASA JPL to build modeling tools, leveraging ontological concepts to tackle complex system modeling challenges. I hold a PhD in Software Engineering from McGill University.

Research Interests

  • Truthworthy AI
  • Model-Driven Engineering
  • Requirement Engineering
  • Cloud Computing
  • Enterprise Application Integration
  • Enterprise Software Development

Publication indexes

[Google Scholar] [IEEE Xplore] [ResearchGate]